Pool vehicle used and after me the deluge

Many pool vehicle users seem to think so, because experience has shown that they care little about the condition of the pool vehicles.

It doesn't matter whether there is a need for oil or wiper water: the successor should take care of it. Or you as a pool manager. Stay cool, let us manage: Keeping a widely distributed fleet technically under control is possible in a short amount of time with telematics and remote reading of error messages. Whether the so-called MIL - Mal Indication Lights - light up or whether there are "DTC", the "Diagnostic Trouble Codes", information is sent directly via the portal to the responsible fleet and fleet management. The vehicle is then simply blocked online for further bookings centrally in the booking system until it is safe again. In this way, engine damage and the loss of warranty claims can be avoided.
And last but not least, the vehicle fleet is also part of your company's public image!
Wouldn't it be a shame if a company car looked like a stained business card and thus scratched your company image?
The telematics solution can also be equipped with GPS tracking for the electronic logbook and emergency dispositions, or it is available “purely” for purely technical vehicle management. In any case, everything is GDPR-compliant!

As you can see, good fleet software makes fleet management much easier! For example, digital vehicle files containing the purchase or leasing contracts, car insurance, maintenance work, etc. for each vehicle can be created.
Fuel receipts and invoices are simply uploaded to the system, so that the costs can be assigned to individual journeys and routes, or cost statistics can be generated.
In addition, fleet managers can assign pool vehicles to employees via a booking module. The topic of digital driving license control is also an important topic here, which can be covered using the software by attaching chips to the driver's licenses of the employees.

You can find an initial overview here: Fleet & Fleet Management

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