Create new business models via telematics: security through change.
Almost all new business models and disruptions are not the result of the invention of new technology, but of the new combination of existing technology!
Example: Amazon, Facebook, Uber, Netflix, AirBnB ...
Equipment, goods, assets, machines, equipment: Rethinking business models. "X" as a Service according to the Pay As You Use Model.
BLE tags, RFID tags and IoT devices with over 100 sensor possibilities open up completely new business models. Products sold so far, which could not reach a part of the user potential due to price, will find a new market in the rental/service model. At the same time, new services with high benefits for the users can be designed, e.g. completeness checks, warning messages via crash/shock registration for quality assurance of sensitive goods.
A workshop with PoC (Proof of Concept) will provide the necessary insights.