Securing the future through continuous development and modernization

Exciting, intensive & instructive

Management Assistant Office Management (m/f/d)

  • Back Office
  • General Administration
  • Commercial administration

As a training company of the IHK Region Stuttgart, we are delighted to educate young people in multiple exciding fields. We offer a modern and social work atmosphere with great teams and leaders that will  make your working expirience fun and rewarding.

Someone has to control the bots...

IT Systems Management Assistant (m/f/d)

Are you smart, curious and ready to work hard for a rewarding career in IT? We give budding technology professionals the opportunity to build an exciting career in IT through on-the-job work experience.

DHBW Industrial Engineer with focus on telematics (m/f/d)

Telematics, IT & IoT + Robotics³ = World of Tomorrow Morning!

We are listed as a training company of the DHBW Ravensburg, Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg.

If you want to start a practice-oriented training as an industrial engineer, in a dynamic IT/IoT telematics company, THEN e-mail us.

We are looking forward to it!