In the category "Field Service" is about maximum possible combinations and functional scope of the telematics. Via location, tracking, remote tachograph download, POI upload, electronic logbook, remote OBD / remote vehicle maintenance with automations + apps for order management, scheduling, document exchange, chat, working hours, signature, PoD "delivery note" Proof of Delivery...
The multi-stage examination procedure is under the scientific supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heinz-Leo Dudek, Dean of the DHBW Ravensburg / Faculty of Telematics and the Steinbeis Foundation and a qualified expert jury. The effort and scope of the examination is extremely high and requires qualified personnel in order to be able to deal with all questions competently and professionally.
Quote on the DEKRA website: "The fourth edition of the German Telematics Award is once again extremely popular. Because although one or the other provider is certainly under stress due to Corona, there are still more than 40 solutions in stage one The evaluation of the questionnaires has meanwhile become clear under the eyes of the expert jury, which of the systems entered will come in rounds two and three. Here, on the one hand, practice-oriented tests and, on the other hand, the qualitative survey of reference customers are on the agenda."
Offizielle Website der DEKRA zur Nominierung.