Telematics is not just GPS positioning.The confusion happens because it has always been "sold" this way in the last 10-15 years. The AREALCONTROL approach is somewhat different. Telematics with technical data from the vehicle are the basis for modern services in fleet management. This can include GPS positioning, if e.g. an electronic logbook, time recording with automatic location/effort documentation is required. Tracking is not required for a car dealership with Service 4.0, nor for a leasing company with thousands of vehicles. Don't drive to the workshop and have your data read manually. There is another way! Faster... More advanced. More comfortable. Cheaper.
The OBD and CAN data provide the necessary input. The stored processes are automatically triggered and controlled via the AREALCONTROL portal. This includes information for the vehicle users, appointment suggestions, availability planning of the vehicle, all completely digitalized. A CAR-CV will later provide better sales opportunities and higher resale values.
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